

for Facilities.


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It helps to hear from other companies who've used our service. Below are some thoughts and feedback from current clients.

Why Safely Stow?

Who’s picking up your students today? Child security is the #1 headache for youth activity providers.

With Safely Stow, all the doubt and insecurity of authorized pick up disappears. Parents control their child records. Facilities have phone, email & photo pickup verification…all setup and managed by the parents!

  • Simple to start! Sign up and set up in under 5 minutes.
  • Parent Driven. Parents create & manage child records.
  • Check In Symptom Sign Off & Announcements.
  • Photo verification of pick up for complete peace of mind!
  • Live building attendance & occupancy for compliance
  • Personal support from the developer! Email Bryan anytime for help!

All for only 25 cents per child per month.


Product Overview

Watch our short video highlighting the general features of our app and web site. Get to know the web site and app.


Getting Started

Would you believe it only takes 5 minutes to sign & set up? You'll be ready for parents shockingly fast. Watch below.


More than Software

Watch a short video on why we exist. Learn a little about who you're working with and what's important to us.

Touch Free

Keep Everyone Safe and Healthy. Check in and out from the parking lot.


Building attendance rosters are automatically managed and updated live as children are checked in and out.

Peace of Mind

No more confusion at the end of day. Achieve clarity and peace of mind for who is picking up your children.


Don't break the bank. Adopt Safely Stow for as little as .25 cents per child per month.

Use Your Software
Don't let the software use you.

Too many bells and whistles are a cacophony of complexity. As you adopt your software, identify your 2-3 core requirements and achieve them. Then grow as you need to over time.

  • Live list of building occupancy.
  • Contactless Check In and Check Out
  • Manage Child Pick Up Communication
  • Start of Day Announcements and Sign Off

Why Safely Stow
Is The First Choice for Facilities and Parents Alike

Facilities love Safely Stow for its simplicity of set up and use. Software should help and not hinder your day to day.

Parents and GRANDPARENTS love Safely Stow for its ease of use. Two clicks to check in and one click to check out. It’s software parents can easily adopt.

Check In, Check Out

Check In, Check Out

With a few clicks from the parking lot, parents will check in their child, adding him or her to your attendance list. At the end of day, one click from parents lets you know they're outside the building.

Peace of Mind in Picking Up

Peace of Mind in Picking Up

Eliminate all the chaos and confusion of pick up. Parents add and select users to be authorized to pick up their children. With just two taps, they change the pick up person of that day.

Classroom Support

Classroom Support

Have multiple teachers and multiple classrooms? Easily add children to class rosters and view attendance by class. Easily view your entire list or view the list by classes or check in status.

illustrations by Icons8 from Icons8

Web Site and App Screenshots

Safely Stow is comprised of two parts. The web site is for administrators and teachers. On the web, you can view all attendance and work with records. The app is for Parents. Parents can create, check in/out and change pick up users on the app. Our software is simple and accessible. Green means "Present." Red is "Absent." Black denotes "Ready for Pick Up," and Blue is "Picked Up."

Watch Product Webinar

Watch Product Webinar


App Downloads


Months in Service


Children Checked In Safely


Downtime Days

It's Only a Quarter...Really.

They say people need choices. Feel free to click any of the plans below: but the cost is the same! You just pay 25 cents / child record in the database / month. As you or parents add & delete child records, you will be billed accordingly. All plans include unlimited Admin or Teacher Accounts.


  • Unlimited Admin & Teacher Accounts
  • Parent App is Free
  • No Kidding...from 1 to 1,000 children, just pay 25 cents per child per month!
$ .25 /child/month


  • Unlimited Admin & Teacher Accounts
  • Parent App is Free
  • No Kidding...from 1 to 1,000 children, just pay 25 cents per child per month!
$ .25 /child/month


  • Unlimited Admin & Teacher Accounts
  • Parent App is Free
  • No Kidding...from 1 to 1,000 children, just pay 25 cents per child per month!
$ .25 /child/month


  • Unlimited Admin & Teacher Accounts
  • Parent App is Free
  • No Kidding...from 1 to 1,000 children, just pay 25 cents per child per month!
$ .25 /child/month

Frequently asked questions

Have a question that's not answered here? Please email Bryan, the founder and developer at for personal support.

1. Who creates the child records?

The Safely Stow philosophy is that child records belong to parents. They determine people who are authorized to pick up and check in and check out their kids. For this reason, and because set up is so much more simple when parents add their own child records, it's usually best for parents to populate your database for you! However, facility admins can add, delete and make most changes to child records. It's our suggestion, however, to allow parents to own their child records.

2. What is the check in window?

Every facility has the option to create and activate a check in window. For liability purposes, Safely Stow cannot offer any suggestions, however, some common uses include: - Regular or Special Announcements - Symptom and Health Questionnaires - Reminder of Policies For Symptom and Health Sign Offs, we suggest consulting for government suggestions.

3. What are programs?

What we call programs can also be considered classes, classrooms or anything you like. Think of programs in two ways: 1. The program a child is being checked into by the parent. Keep in mind, a parent might check children into the wrong program! In designing this feature, we decided that ease of use trumped the difficult setup of restricting program choices. 2. The list of programs and rosters that you create. A facility can add children to a roster for each program. Then during the day, they can view this filtered roster. In this way you can view all children enrolled in a class, regardless of what mistaken programs a parent might use!

4. How do parents add people to pick up their child?

Parents add their children to other user's lists, not vice versa. The process is as follows: 1. The new user will need to download the app and create an account. 2. The new user should unlock their data. Personal data is locked by default and users cannot be added until they unlock their data. 3. The child record owner will add a user from the pick up drop down on the child record. 4. Enter the email address and relationship to the child. That's it! Now that person is able to be set as the pick up for a child on any given day.

5. Can pick up users be removed?

Yes, absolutely. The only user that can't be removed is the record owner. In that case, the child record should just be deleted.

6. Do I need to check out every child each night?

No, the system is for you and your purposes. Each night, every record's check in status is reset to "none." Your end of day process is completely up to you.

Safely Stow is Awesome!
It’s Free to Download for Everyone on Android or iOS

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